Nexperia(NXP) Distributor
Nexperia Distributor & Supplier
Broadest Portfolio of Nexperia(NXP) Products in Stock
NHE Offers a Wide Variety of Semiconductors from Nexperia Authorized Distributor
We focus on providing a broad range of the latest, high quality and authentic Nexperia(NXP) components.Welcome to visit our website...
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  • A reliable supplier of electronic components around you.

    Nanhuang are credible electronic components supplier in China, you can trust us with self-confident.

    We accept the payment terms: T/T in advance / PayPal / Western Union / Escrow sevice or Net terms(Long-term cooperation).

    We'd love to hear from you. We are always looking for better ways to improve your experience.

    Bank Telegraphic Transfer Bank Information

    * Bank handling fees: USD15.0 - USD30.0

    * We can support many kinds of currency, such as USD; HKD; EUR; CNY and Others, please contact us.

    Western Union

    To complete payment by Western Union,

    Step 1. Go to your local Western Union branch, or go to their website (

    Step 2. Follow their instructions. The beneficiary details for NANHUANG are:

    Western Union Information

    After successfully transferring the funds, please send the payment details by email to, We will need as following information:

    Reference No#: MCTN(money transfer control number):

    Currency & interbank settlement amount:

    Sender's First Name:

    Sender's Last Name:


    * Bank charges: USD00.0 by Western Union (Don't need bank charges for us, handing fees will charge in payer side.)

    PayPal PayPal Information

    Bank Charges:

    * USD0.00-USD500.00 need bank fees USD30.00

    * USD500.00-USD1000.00 need bank fees USD60.00

    * USD1000.00-USD2000.00 need bank fees USD110.00

    * USD2000.00-USD3000.00 need bank fees USD110.00


    We are credible electronic components supplier in China, you can trust us with self-confident.

    For small order below USD1000.00, we advise use PayPal, PayPal will be good choose, it's faster and safe for new customer.

    Larger amount, we advise use T/T to our HSBC account, it's will save the bank fees and convenience for each other.

    Any questions or inquires, please kindly contact us. Email:

    We focus on providing a broad range of the latest, high quality electronic components.
    Nexperia Distributor & Nexperia(NXP) Electronic Components Supplier in China - NHE
    Nexperia(NXP) Authorized Distributor | NHE is dedicated to providing first-quality, genuine Nexperia components.